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Friday, May 23, 2008


Meyer, Stephenie. Twilight. NY: Time Warner Book Group, 2005. 498 pages. (Fantasy Series / Vampires)

When Isabella (Bella) Swan moves to the gloomy and dreary Forks, she doesn’t think anything could cheer her up. Then, she meets Edward Cullen, and suddenly she realizes that maybe her life isn’t going to be as bad as she thought it would be. She becomes absolutely obsessed with him, wanting to know every single detail about him. She knows there are secrets about the Cullen family, and she is determined to be the first to figure out what they are. When Bella finds out that Edward and his family are all vampires, things become difficult. She can’t stand to be apart from him. What Bella doesn’t realize is that the closer she gets, the more obsessed she becomes, the more she and the ones she loves will be in danger.

I felt that this book was absolutely phenomenal, as well as breathtaking. When I first saw the book, I thought, “Oh, what a pain, it’s so long, I’ll never finish it.” Well, I was wrong. I wish there was more, so I could keep reading as Stephenie Meyer pulled you deeper into the story. You have the feeling that you know these people. You felt like you were there in the story. I would get tied in and read forever, completely unaware of my surroundings. I look forward to reading the next book, so I can get drawn in again. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a love story. Maybe someone who wants to read something with action or adventure would like Twilight too. I would definitely recommend it to someone who wants to read something with both action and romance, because that’s what Twilight has hiding behind it cover.

Reviewed by: PinkPopper