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Friday, May 23, 2008

Bratfest at Tiffany’s

Harrison, Lisi. Bratfest at Tiffany’s. NY: Little Brown and Company, 2008.227 pages. (Fiction Series / Clique Series)

In the book, Bratfest at Tiffany’s, the main characters are Massie, Alicia, Claire, Dylan, and Kristen. The book takes place at their school, at Massie’s house, and under their favorite tree. In the beginning of the new school year, Massie bought all of the girls charm bracelets to say that they were in the club and their friendship is more important than any boy. This meant that they couldn’t flirt or have a crush on any guy. When they saw one of their best friends having a crush on a boy, they made her give back her bracelet and were no longer friends with her. They were also struggling to get their popularity back and be the top people. As a character, I think I would be most like Massie because once she has something; she wouldn’t want to give it back to anyone. This book right now is the last book she has come out with, with the Clique series. I would defiantly recommend this book to anyone because I love what the books are about, and I am hooked on the Clique series. I would read another book by this author anytime.

Reviewed by: AprilGrl