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Friday, May 23, 2008

Leaving Protection

Hobbs,Will. Leaving Protection. New York: Harper Trophy, 2004. 173 pages. (Mystery)

The main characters of the book, Leaving Protection, are a sixteen-year-old boy Robbie Daniels, and a legendary fishing captain, Tor Torsen. The two of them met on the shores of Alaska in hopes a catching king salmon. Tor has hired Robbie as a deckhand on his boat, Storm Petrel. As they adventure out into the stormy seas Robbie sets the poles and gets ready to start fishing. Tor had put them on an awesome spot, and Robbie had to begin cleaning fish quickly. After four days and nights, they were full and had to head to port to sell the salmon, but the captain said he was going to sell off shore and head for Russia. Robbie wanted to stop because he missed his family, but Tor started to tell him about different plaques he had found that were worth a lot of money. Robbie decided to stay for the money. Robbie soon realized that these Russian plaques that Tor had were illegal. A bad storm came up and Captain Tor fell overboard. Robbie tried to save him but couldn’t and Tor died. Robbie was able to get the boat and plaques back to safety and notify Tor’s daughter about the incident. They decided to return the plaques back to Russia and Tor’s name became famous. Robbie was able to return home to Protection with more money then he could imagine for college.

Robbie reminds me of someone I would like to follow because he is adventures and bold. He loves boating and fishing like I do. He is honest and trustworthy to other people. His abilities and work ethic are strong and those are shown in this book. I think he is famous because of the love he has for his friends and family. I would recommend the book because it is full of adventure and will keep you at the end of your seat when you are reading it.

Reviewed by: BookWorm8