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Thursday, February 28, 2008

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Vega, Denise. Click Here (to find out how I survived seventh grade). NY: Time Warner Book Group, 2005. 215 pages. (Finction / Humor)

Erin Swift is your normal 12, almost 13, year old girl. She is starting seventh grade and is so not looking forward to it. She has a best friend, Jilly, who has been friends with her since kindergarten. They get their envelopes that say which track they will be on for the rest of the school year. They have never been separated, and they were determined that they were going be together this year. As they open the envelopes, they find they are on separate tracks. They are sure that this will be the worst year ever because there not together. Their first day of junior high is rapidly approaching, so they spend as much time with each other as possible. Every day Erin writes a private blog that is her way of expressing her feelings toward everything and everyone. Everything seems to be moving along great until her private blog gets switched with the wrong disc and now is online for the whole school to see. Read this book to find out how Erin survived seventh grade with all of her deepest feelings posted for the whole school to see.

Jilly reminds me of my friend L-. She is funny and fun to be around. She is also very caring, but that works against her too. Sometimes she takes things to heart just like Jilly, but we love her for it. She is friends with everyone and nice to everyone. She always gives people a chance even if she doesn’t know them. Read this book to see if Erin and Jilly can survive seventh grade.

Reviewed by: PopRocks3