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Friday, May 30, 2008

Mermaid Park

Mayall, Beth. Mermaid Park. New Jersey: Razorbill, 2005. 248 pages. (Fiction / Romance)

Amy is a normal teenaged girl just like everyone else her age. But what makes her special? Is it that no girl ever saw a mermaid before? Well Amy has, and she will do whatever it takes to get a job at the Mermaid Park. But Amy finds out that there is a trick: they’re not real mermaids at all. After each show, they change into their “normal” selves in the dressing room, and Amy is not that surprised at all because she knows that there aren’t real mermaids. There is still one more surprise in store: how can they breathe under water if they are not real mermaids? One night Amy was curious and decided to see what it was like to be in the pool where the mermaids had preformed. She was wondering if she could do it with all the water pressure on her. She was born with a pre-mature heart. Can she do it? We will find out soon.

A summer romance, Mermaid Park, a little sister who thinks she owns the universe, a mom who is hard to get along with, and a step dad who has no qualities of a real dad… a recipe for disaster? Or can everything work out? Read Mermaid Park and find out. I thought the book was very good. It kept me entertained and at the end of each chapter it kept me wanting more which, in a book, is what I am looking for. It’s a great book, so read it.

Reviewed By: DolphinGirl76