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Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Westerfeld, Scott. Specials. New York City: Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division, 2006. 372 pages. (Sci-Fi)

Tally Youngblood has been through a lot since she was an ugly, staring across the river and dreaming of being a pretty. But when her dream came true, Tally still wasn’t satisfied. Along with the help from the New Smoke, her old boyfriend, and all of her crim friends, Tally Youngblood escaped the city- again. But when a tracker showed up in her boyfriends tooth, she forfeited her freedom in order to stay with him. Back in the city, she was transformed into a special and everything changed.

Being a special, everything was icy. The world took on a whole new perspective. Even Tally had changed. Her bones and muscles have been strengthened to turn her into an unbreakable fighting machine. But when her faith to Zane, her boyfriend, goes a little over the edge and she and her friend ruin all of the city’s defense weapons, the unthinkable happens. With the city at war, Tally has no choice but to enter the lion’s den and confess what she did. But will they listen?
This book is phenomenal! The plot twists and turns unpredictably, and the characters are swift thinking and terrifying! The main character in this book is so three dimensional and changing. It is very interesting to see, as the series continues, how Tally changes. In Uglies, the first book in the series, Tally is a heartwarming, average character. In Pretties her brain is messed with and she turns into a shallow, self centered bubblehead. She slowly rewires her brain and cures herself, but again, in Specials, Tally’s brain is tampered with and she turns into a dangerous superior fighting machine, disgusted with everyone who is not in her clique. She manages to cure herself yet again. These transformations are what keep this series fresh and interesting no matter how many times it is read!

Reviewed By: DancingPenguin96