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Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Westerfeld, Scott. Pretties. New York City: Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division, 2005. 370 pages. (Sci-Fi)

Tally Youngblood is an authentic criminal. Even after all of her sneaking out and awesome pranks as an ugly, she is still here in New Pretty Town, a Pretty at last. In Tally’s world, once you turn 16, you get an operation that makes you perfect and pretty. But recently, Tally and her new friends have been suspicious of something else that changes when you get the operation. Something that makes you obey everyone in the city, something that makes you not be able to think for yourself, something that would lead to a need for a cure- a cure for pretty-mindedness. The more Tally hangs out with Zane, leader of the Crims, the more they think there was more to their past than they know. But why can’t they remember? What is wrong with their brains?

This is such a thrilling book! I have read it at least four times and I still love it! This book takes place in the future and the imagination the author has of how the world will be is breathtaking. I really like this series because all of the inventions that are key in the story are actually plausible and well thought out. Instead of surfboards flying through air magically, they have electromagnetic lifters that push against the city’s magnetic grid. It seems so real, as if in a hundred years this really will happen. The characters in this book are so independent and unique it seems as though this book gives me a glimpse of the future and the events that take place. An awesome read!

Reviewed By: dancingPenguin96