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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing Traitor to the Nation

Anderson, M.T. The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing Traitor to the Nation. Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press, 2006. 353 pages. (Historic Fiction)

Octavian and his mother live in The College of Lucidity, dressed in finery, and given music and language lessons. This would be normal in 1775, except that they are African Americans. Octavian has been oblivious of his surroundings for his whole life, until now. He begins to wonder why he and his mother are treated like wealthy citizens and not slaves, like the other African Americans at the College. He questions why he is studied by the men attending the College of Lucidity, and why he is given the finest of treatment. When his curiosity cannot be suppressed, Octavian quickly learns of the secrets behind his treatment at the college. He begins to hate his life at the College, for what seemed to be a freedom before, turned out to be transparent.

If anyone is thinking about reading this book, I would not jump to recommend it. It is very well written and it is a great idea, but it is just SO boring! The back of the book made me think it would be exciting and captivating, but I had learned why he is treated as he is by the 50th page, and the other 303 pages were not intriguing at all. It took me a VERY long time to finish this book, simply because there was no interest to keep me reading. The author is very talented in wording the book, though, and he had some very moving passages in the book. For example:

“And they imprisoned me in darkness; and though there was no color there, I still was black, and they still were white; and for that, they bound and gagged me. “ -Page 316

This book is very highly rated, though I don’t know why, so I’m sure there are some people who would read and absolutely love it, I am just not one of them.

Reviewed By: DancingPenguin96