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Monday, June 1, 2009


Taylor, G.P. Shadowmancer. London: Faber and Faber Limited, 2003. 300 pages. (Fantasy)

Searching for infinite power,
Horrid Obidiah Demurral
And his ugly assistant Beadle
Direct horrible creatures and people to destroy an
Orphaned Thomas, Wild Kate, religious Raphah, and the
Wicked Jacob Crane who are the only ones who can stop him.
Many people
Aid our heroes, but some end up nearly getting them killed.
Nevertheless, they usually end up all right, but you must read this
Cunning book to
Ever know what
Really happens to our three (or possibly four) heroes.

If I were to give this book a one word label, it would most likely be Different because it just is! Compared to other fantasy novels, it has a lot more religion involved, the antagonist wasn’t really anyone special like a king or wizard; he was just an old, white-haired man who wants limitless power. If that doesn’t motivate you to think it's different, then I simply don’t know what else to say!

Reviewed by: Cake1313