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Monday, April 27, 2009


Hiaasen, Carl. Hoot. New York: Random House Children’s Books, 2002. 292 pages. (Fiction / Humor)

Being the new kid is tough. It’s hard to make friends, hard to keep away from bullies, and hard to start over in a new town and new school. But, Roy Eberhardt is used to it. He has been to schools all over the country! But, he finds his new town, in Florida, very interesting.

Roy meets Mullet Fingers. A runaway kid from a military school. Mullet has been pulling pranks on a construction site where a Mother Paula’s Pancake House is scheduled to be built. Why would any kid object to pancakes, you ask? Well, hidden underground the construction site in little burrows are baby owls. No bigger than a soda can. So Mullet, and his step sister Beatrice are planning to get the Mother Paula’s people out of there and let the owls be free. But, it turns out that is nearly impossible since no one believes them about the little owls. Roy decides to help and maybe together they can save the owls!

St. Louis Post-Dispatch calls Hoot, “A laugh-out-loud tale.” With a story full of greedy rich guys, stupid cops, pranking middle school kids, and little baby owls this book is a hoot! I really like this book. It is written really well and has very interesting plot twists. I would recommend this book to everyone.

Reviewed by: JustGuess :)