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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

New Moon

Meyer,Stephenie. New Moon. NY: Little Brown and Company, 2006. 563 Pages. (Fantasy Series / Vampires)

In the beginning of this book, the Cullens, including Bella’s beloved Edward, leave Forks, Washington rather than risk revealing that they are vampires. It is almost too much for eighteen-year-old Bella to bear, but she finds solace in her friend Jacob. Bella and Jacob spend almost every day together, and become really close to each other. Then, Jacob joins a “cult” and changes in terrible ways. He stops talking to her , and Bella doesn’t know what all this change is about. Bella begins to find out that Jacob and his “brothers” have a secret very similar to Edward’s. She once again finds herself involved within a mythical world hidden within ours.

The scene that had the most impact on me, as a reader, was when Jacob takes Bella to meet the rest of his “brothers”. Jacob and Paul, the short tempered one, get in a brawl over Bella’s knowledge of their secret. That is when Bella realizes that things are more complicated than she realized. She also realizes that the cult is no joke, and fear for her friend increases. The scene really opens new doors for Bella and the reader. New Moon is part of a three book series(Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse) Read them all!

Reviewed by: Sccrsteph3