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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Chew on This

Schlosser, Eric and Wilson, Charles. Chew on This. NY: Houghton Mifflin Books, 2006. 259 pages. (Non-Fiction)

Chew on This is mainly all the things that happen before the fast food gets to the store to be sold. Also, it’s about what can happen to your body if you don’t make good, healthy choices about your eating. It is trying to tell you everything you don’t want to know about fast food in the hopes that you’ll stop eating it. The whole book takes place around the world and gives you the history of all the biggest fast food industries such as McDonalds, Burger King, Tyson, and even the so called “healthy” Subway. Chew on This tells you about what is really lurking in your cardboard box filled with chewy deliciousness. It also goes behind the scenes at slaughterhouses. It’s not just the animals dying, it’s the workers too.

I felt that this book is just trying to help all of it’s readers. The farmers, the slaughter houses, and the fast food restaurants all know what is happening behind closed doors; They all know how animals and workers are being treated for our enjoyment. We are the only ones that don’t know the truth: that what we eat, every bite we take, can lead to life or death. I would definitely recommend this book to everyone I know. I want the best for everyone: I want my friends and family to be healthy and live.

Reviewed by: PinkPopper