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Friday, April 24, 2009

Blood and Chocolate

Klause, Annette. Blood and Chocolate. New York: Random House, 1997. 264 pages. (Fantasy)

Vivian Gandillon exposes what lies within her. At sixteen, she is beautiful and strong and all the young wolves are constantly at her shadow. But as Vivian still grieves for her father’s death, she shows no interest in the other wolves. Vivian’s pack remains leaderless and disarray. As she keeps the empty and lost feeling inside her, though all she longs for is a normal life. But for a werewolf, what is normal? As if things weren’t confusing enough for the young werewolf, she falls in love with a human. Aiden is kind and gentle, and for a while, takes off some of the stress of the painful transformation and the confusion of the pack. Aiden is enthralled by magic, and the world of the impossible. Vivian wishes to reveal herself to Aiden. Will Aiden understand her? Or as any ordinary human would, will he flee and wish to never see her again? What is Vivian for real-human or beast? More importantly, which is sweeter- blood or chocolate?

Annette Curtis Klause is going to be the next Stephenie Meyer. I would definatley recommend Blood and Chocolate to anyone who likes to read about, action, the impossible and of course, romance. Annette's writing can actually put you in the book and draw a vivid picture of whats going on, what the people look like, and how things are happening.

Reviewed by: BlueBerryBuddy