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Sunday, April 19, 2009

L8r, g8r

Myracle, Lauren. L8r, g8r. New York City: Amulet Books, 2007. 274 pages. (Fiction Series)

Zoe~ good girl Zoe is still going strong with Doug, perhaps a little too strong…

Angela~ has worries of her own: her two best buds are leaving for college at the end of this year, her dating life is not working out too well, and Jana (the Q B), has certainly not forgotten her…

Maddie~ has a little fun getting revenge on Jana. Little does she know that Jana does not intend to play fair, and she ends up taking it WAY too far…

Follow these three best friends as they fight to make it through their senior year.

These books are told entirely in IMs and the only words I can use to describe them are: FUNKY and FRESH!!!!!!!! It’s a totally different experience to read books written in IMs than books written regularly. Don’t miss the first two books in the series: ttyl, and ttfn.

Reviewed by: DancingPenguin96