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Monday, October 8, 2012

A Diary of a Young Girl

Frank, Anne. A Diary of a Young Girl. New York: Bantam Books, 1967. 283 Pages. (Non-fiction / Diary)

The book I read is a Diary of a Young Girl written by Anne Frank . She was a Jewish girl alive during the holocaust. What a coincidence that she started to write her diary right when the holocaust started. In the book she tells about a boy that she meets by him asking her if he could walk her to The way the find this diary after she died was her dad was visiting the place where they were hiding and he stumbles upon her writing and finds out that she was keeping a diary.

It’s really great because she tells her opinion on everything to the diary, (also known as kitty). She treats it like it’s her best friend, and she’s not afraid to right anything in it. In the beginning things are kind of slow but then all of a sudden there running from home so they don’t get put in the concentration camps. Probably my favorite thing about this book is that everything that she’s talking about is really happened, word for word. It keeps you locked into the book because she waits one or two days and then writes what has happened and in the middle of the book a lot of things are going on.
