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Friday, June 15, 2012

The Sword of Shannara

Brooks, Terry, The Sword of Shannara, New York: Random House, 1977. 726 pages. (Fantasy Series)

Shea Ohmsford a Half-elf and his human “Brother” Flick have lived in the Shady Vale their entire life.  Everything changed when the tall forbidding druid Allanon appears and warns them of the Skull Bearers and their twisted dark master the Warlock Lord which all thought was slain by the elf king and shea’s ancestor Jerle Shannara. Now Shea must travel the Four lands with a band of men, elves, a dwarf, his “brother “ Flick, and his friend the prince of Leah to use the elf stones to recover the Sword of Shannara and destroy the Warlock Lord.

My father introduced me to this book. He read the Shannara series when he was in his teens. One day when I was looking over my dad’s old books I found the series, so I showed it to my dad and he had me start reading them. I loved The Sword of Shannara. I thought it was an amazing book and if you like long fantasy, you have to read it.
