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Monday, May 18, 2009

Harris,Thomas. Hannibal Rising. NY: Bantam Dell,2007. 368 pages. (Horror)

Hannibal Lector saw his family's murder
An invisible wound formed in his heart
No way to show his feelings through words. There is
Nothing but silence as if his mouth was sewn shut.
In an unpleasant orphanage, he created violence
Because of his anger bottled up inside.
After a brawl with a fork, young
Lector is dismissed from misery to his new home

Revenge is what young Hannibal wants. Only revenge
Is performed in the most gruesome ways:
Slaying his victims piece by piece
It is his intention to find and dine on them
No grief or sorrow for whom he has killed. Now a
Grieving "child" turned into a cannibalistic beast...

I would recommend this novel to anyone who likes horror and gore. I probably wouldn’t share this with my parents because they don't like gory novels. I would read another book by this author because he uses great detail in describing the actions and scenery around the characters. I think when Hannibal's family was murdered- especially his sister, Mischa- It was almost as if I waere feeling his pain with him because they were so close. I would give this book "gruesome" as a one word label because the gore and actions Hannibal Lector creates is what most of the book is about.

Reviewed by: GothicVampire13