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Monday, May 18, 2009

The Book Without Words

Avi. The Book Without Words. NY: Hyperion Books, 2005. 203 pages.

In the year 1046 in Fulworth,
The old man, Thorston, stirred and stirred
With all his might
Hoping the mixture would bring new life.
Counting the stones carefully and looking for the res,t
A young girl;

he wanted nothing but the best.
Can he renew his life again?
Try as he might,
death came in time,
like an empty bucket
At the bottom of the well.

Once a goat,
into a crow,
to a goat once again.

At the church,
she took refuge at a place
Thorston can’t enter.
With the help from
wise old man,
he keeps her life
safe from harm.

I would read another book from this author because Avi wrights books so well that they make you feel like you're in them. I would recommend this book to any one who likes to read Avi’s books and who likes a fable of medieval magic.

Reviewed by: NoWhereMan