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Monday, May 20, 2013

Yellow Flag

Lipsyte, Robert. Yellow Flag. New York City: Harper Collins, 2007. 234 pages. (NASCAR, Sports Fiction)

In the book Yellow Flag, by Robert Lipsyte, The main charactars are Kyle; Kyle’s older brother brother, Chris; their father, no name; their grandfather, Walter; and their great-grandfather. This story occurs at a race track and a school. The problem is that Kyle is upset about an upcoming race. This problem is resolved by Kyle’s grandfather offering to help him. One interesting fact is that Kyle can end a racing dream by hitting his brakes and letting everyone pass him.

I selected this book from the school library and the story looked good. The book also seemed to fit one of my interests. That interest is “CARS”. I would recommend this book who is really into cars and racing.

Reviewed by: OJ