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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Misery

King, Stephen. Misery. New York. Penguin, 1988. (Horror)

The book that I read was called Steven Kings The Misery. It is about this evil woman who takes a man named Paul in after he has been in an accident. She takes him in and nurtures him back to health. When he gets better she does not let him leave. The woman straps him into a wheelchair so he could not escape her house. After a while of him being trapped, he starts to snoop around her house when she goes to town. Paul finds several documents on her and they said that she had gone to prison for doing something bad when she was a nurse. Later that day when she came home she could tell that he had been snooping around because some of her things were out of place. Then the woman pushed him into a room and strapped him down onto a bed so that he could not get away. Then to top things off, she took a thick block of wood and put it between his feet and then took a sledge hammer and hit both of his ankles with it. That broke his ankles and assured her that there was no way he would ever escape. To find out what happens next you have to read the book called, The Misery.

I would defiantly recommend this book to anyone who likes horror books. It was very good and it made me want to keep reading when I would put the book down to do something. And for anyone who likes horror it will do the very same thing to you. So read the book.

Reviewed by: IfUDare