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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Just Like That

Qualey, Martha. Just Like That. NYC: Penguin Company, 2005. 233 pages. (Mystery)

Hanna is an eighteen year old senior in a Manhattan High School. Her mother is a drama teacher at a music and art school in Long Island known as Wipple. Will Walker is a fourteen year old boy whose father is a congressman. Will’s older sister, Aerin, is a well known singer and song writer. Her band was in a car accident and only she survived. Now everyone thinks Aerin got in the car accident on purpose. Nobody likes Aerin, a former music student at Wipple. Hanna and her boyfriend just broke up and Hanna is regretting it. She went down to a lake and saw a happy couple on an ATV having a great time. She talked to them and eventually made them mad at each other. Hanna left the lake and went home. In the morning she heard that the couple had fallen through the ice. The girl was found by an unidentified jogger, frozen and dead on the ice. What happed? Is Hanna guilty of murder?

I would not read another book by Martha Qualey because this book is too confusing. I had to read each paragraph at least twice so that I could understand it. It is a very good book, but it doesn’t make sense. It skips around and forgets about other things that she doesn’t come back to until a couple chapters later. The chapters are so long you feel like it will never end. You never have a good breaking point because the chapters never seem to end.

Reviewed by: fizzyjunior31