"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read" ~Groucho Marx

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

War Horse

Morpurgo, Michael. War Horse. NYC: Scholastic Press, 2010. 165 pages. (Historic Fiction)

War Horse is a very interesting book put in the eyes of a horse in a war that could no longer be used to fight in the war and were replaced by tanks. This book is truly heart warming but sad at the same time. The war was very violent, cold, and bloody in Germany for those few years. This is a light read that you can not put down. I can not recall how many times I got in trouble for reading so long. That book casts a spell that had me shut every one out and read. This is a powerful story of the truest friendships in the worst war.

Reviewed by: Naturegrl
Joey is a war horse but was not always. One time long ago he was a farm horse and a gentle boy named Albert was his owner. Then World War I came along and changed everything. Albert's father sells Joey to the army where a beautiful horse is trained to charge the enemy, drag heavy artillery, and carry wounded soldiers not much older than Albert off the battlefields. Among the clamoring of guns, and plodding through the cold mud Joey wonders if the war will ever end. And if it dose will he ever find his way home and find his beloved Albert again?