"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read" ~Groucho Marx

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Host

Meyer, Stephenie. The Host. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2008. 619 pages. (Sci-Fi)
The Host is about a young woman named Melanie Stryder who will not allow herself to be taken over by the soul that has been placed inside her. In The Host, human is an endangered species and almost fully taken out by the souls. The souls are tiny silver creatures that are put in a host that take over the host bodies mind while their remains intact.

Melanie and her soul, Wanderer went out looking for these few remaining humans, because Melanie’s brother, Jamie and boyfriend, Jared are still out there. And sadly Wanderer is in love with them to, well not really them but Melanie’s memories of them. Will they find Jamie and Jared? Will they get caught? If you want to know then read the book, because I’m not going to tell you!
The Host is such a miraculous book because it is written by my favorite author, Stephenie Meyer. She is such an amazing author because she finishes her books with great endings, not the kind that makes you feel like the book didn’t really end. I would recommend this book anyone: it will make you cry and keep you reading until 12:00 at night. This book should come with a warning label because it will pull you in and not let go!
