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Friday, May 23, 2008

The Manny

Thomson, Sarah. The Manny. New York: Dutten Children’s Books, 2005. 181 pages. (Humor / Romance)

The book The Manny is about a 16 year old boy,Justin, who works as a nanny. He lives in Queens with his mom in an apartment. This summer he is going to work as a nanny in the Hamptons. When he goes to his interview, the parents hire him right there. Then a week later he moves in with them for the summer. The kid he is taking care of is four and is named Aspen. After few weeks pass and of taking Aspen to the beach, to the play ground they go to the beach one day Justin meets a girl, Serfina, who lives in the Hamptons with her dad. Justin really likes her and takes her out on a date.

I would read another book by this author because it was interesting to see what would happen in the next paragraph. In some parts I coudn’t put the book down.

Reviewd by: MarshmellowPeople