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Friday, May 23, 2008


Meyer, Stephenie. Eclipse. NY: Little Brown and Company, 2007. 269 Pages. (Fantasy Series / Vampires)

All the characters from Stephenie Meyer’s first two books, Twilight and New Moon, are back in this page-turning adventure called Eclipse. Now Bella has to chose between her best friend (a werewolf) Jacob and her relationship with Edward(a Vampire, and her boyfriend). That is the least of her worries though. Victoria, a revenge seeking enemy of Bella and Edward, is creating an army of vampires to fight the Cullens. Can Jacob and Edward settle their differences in order to save Bella and the city of Forks?

I really enjoyed this book because it is a great blend of action, sci-fi, romance, and drama. The plot of the story is really great because not only is Bella faced with an army of vampires, but she has to deal with her boyfriend and best friend as mortal enemies. Stephenie Meyer does an awesome job of explaining Bella’s thoughts and feelings. I would recommend this book to anyone who asked.

Reviewed by: Sccrsteph3