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Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Inventions of Hugo Cabret

Selznick, Brian. The Invention of Hugo Cabret. New York City: Scholastic Press, 2007. 525 pages. (Historic Fiction/Graphic Novel)

I just ended the book called The Inventions of Hugo Cabret. That book was a fantastic and I loved the pictures in it. I would just sit there for five to ten minutes just admiring all the great details the author put into them not to forget the time.

A young boy’s father worked at a clock shop so you can see why it’s called the Inventions of Hugo Cabret. But one day Hugo’s father went to a museum and found a mechanical man but it was broken. So they decided to fix it. Hugo’s father then made a book of drawings that would help tell how to fix it. But one day his father never came home, so Hugo was extremely anxious to find out where he was. Then all of the sudden the door burst open and it was his uncle and he said pack up your things and let’s go. Hugo then went to the train station where his uncle fixed all of the clocks and he taught Hugo how to fix the big clocks too. As you can see, his family is into the clocks and mechanical businesses and so fixing clocks is bound to be in his blood. Hugo’s uncle drank and wouldn’t come home till the street lights were on.

But one day Hugo was waiting for his uncle and he never came back that night. Hugo waited the next day, he didn’t come back then. But then Hugo meets a girl named Isabelle and they become best friends and they have some fights and situations they need to help each other out with. But if you want to find out what happens to Hugo’s father, uncle, and relationship with Isabelle, you’ll have to read this book to find out.

Reviewed by: TTYL1234