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Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Meyer, Stephenie. Twilight. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2005. 498 pages. (Vampires/Fiction/Romance)

A 17 year old girl, Isabella Swan, decides to live with her father, Charlie, in the town Forks, Washington, for a while, rather than with her mother, RenĂ©e. While living with her father, Bella meets an interesting boy named Edward. At first Edward appears to hate Bella, but several weeks later they are dating. They have a problem though because of what Edward and his “family” are. Bella is constantly in danger and while they are playing baseball, another group of people like Edward pass through and put Bella in even more danger. To help save Bella, Edward’s family takes her to hide in her hometown, Phoenix, Arizona.

This is an awesome book!!!!!! I would totally recommend reading it. I have also read the whole series, and it just keeps getting better. I despise Mike the most because to me he is just the most annoying person.

Reviewed by: MillieDog3